Social commerce is a rapidly growing trend in the world of e-commerce. As more and more consumers turn to social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to research and purchase products, brands are realizing the importance of having a strong social commerce strategy in place. However, one crucial aspect of this strategy that many brands overlook is the importance of localisation.

Localisation refers to the process of adapting content and messaging to the cultural, linguistic, and regional preferences of a specific market. It involves not only translating content but also taking into account cultural nuances, social norms, and other factors that can impact how a message is received.

Here are some reasons why localisation is so important in social commerce, and what brands can do to ensure that they are reaching their target audiences effectively.

  1. Improved customer experience

One of the most significant benefits of localisation in social commerce is that it can improve the customer experience. When brands take the time to understand the unique needs and preferences of their target markets, they can create content and messaging that resonates more deeply with their audience. This, in turn, can lead to higher engagement rates, increased customer loyalty, and ultimately, higher sales.

For example, a brand that sells beauty products might need to use different marketing messaging in the United States versus Japan. In the U.S., they might focus on individualism and self-expression, while in Japan, they might emphasize the importance of community and conformity. By tailoring their messaging to each market, they can create a more relevant and compelling customer experience.

  1. Increased sales and revenue

Another key benefit of localisation in social commerce is that it can lead to increased sales and revenue. By tailoring their messaging and content to each market, brands can create more effective marketing campaigns that resonate with consumers and drive them to purchase. This, in turn, can lead to higher conversion rates and more revenue for the brand.

Research has shown that localising content can lead to significant improvements in sales. For example, a study by Common Sense Advisory found that companies that localise their websites and marketing materials are 2.5 times more likely to increase their revenue and 1.5 times more likely to see an increase in profits.

  1. Improved brand reputation

When brands take the time to localise their content and messaging, it can also improve their brand reputation. Consumers appreciate when brands show an understanding of their unique needs and preferences, and they are more likely to view the brand as trustworthy and credible as a result.

On the other hand, if a brand fails to localise their content, it can lead to negative perceptions among consumers. For example, if a brand uses inappropriate or insensitive language in a marketing campaign, it can damage their reputation and lead to a loss of trust among their target audience.

What should brands do about localisation in social commerce?

Now that we’ve discussed the importance of localisation in social commerce, let’s look at some specific steps that brands can take to ensure that they are localising their content effectively:

  1. Conduct market research

The first step in localising your content is to conduct market research to understand the unique needs and preferences of your target audience. This might involve surveying customers, analyzing social media trends, or working with local partners to gain insight into the local culture and norms.

  1. Translate content accurately

While translation is just one aspect of localisation, it is an important one. Brands should work with professional translators who are fluent in the target language and have a deep understanding of the local culture and nuances. This can ensure that your messaging is accurately translated and that you are not inadvertently using language that could be offensive or inappropriate.

  1. Adapt content to local preferences

In addition to translation, brands should also adapt their content to local preferences. This might involve using different imagery, messaging, or even different products or services that are more appealing to the local market. For example, a brand that sells clothing might need to offer different styles or sizes in different markets to cater to local preferences.

  1. Consider local regulations and laws

Brands should also be aware of local regulations and laws that may impact their social commerce strategy. For example, some countries have strict laws around data privacy or advertising practices. By understanding these regulations and adapting their strategy accordingly, brands can avoid potential legal issues and maintain a positive reputation among their target audience.

  1. Work with local partners

Finally, brands can benefit from working with local partners who have a deep understanding of the local market and can provide valuable insights into local preferences and culture. This might include working with local influencers or content creators, partnering with local businesses or organizations, or hiring local employees to help manage your social commerce strategy in each market.

In conclusion, localisation is a critical aspect of social commerce that brands should not overlook. By understanding the unique needs and preferences of their target audience in each market and adapting their content and messaging accordingly, brands can create a more compelling customer experience, increase sales and revenue, and build a positive brand reputation. By following the steps outlined above, brands can ensure that they are effectively localising their social commerce strategy and reaching their target audience in a meaningful way.

Need any help?

Whether your localisation readiness initiative is ongoing or completed, now is a good time to review what you’ve achieved or still need to address as well as lessons learned in order to adjust your translation strategy and further optimize your processes.

Contact us at to learn how we can help you localise your social commerce material to meet the needs of the global marketplace, support the finetuning of your processes, and assist you in expanding your operations and acquire new customers from all over the world.