In today’s globalised world, businesses have the opportunity to reach out to customers around the world through e-commerce platforms. The internet has revolutionized the way people shop, making it possible for individuals to buy goods and services from the comfort of their own homes. However, businesses must understand that just having an online store is not enough, especially when targeting international customers. Localising their eShops and e-commerce platforms is vital for businesses that want to succeed in the global market.

When we talk about localisation in e-commerce, we mean adapting a website’s content, design, and functionality to the local language, culture, and market. The process involves tailoring the website’s language, currency, payment methods, and even product descriptions to suit the local market. Localising an eShop can have a significant impact on a business’s success, as it makes it easier for customers to navigate the website, understand the product offering, and complete transactions.

In a report released by Stripe, a payment processing company, it was found that 72% of online shoppers will abandon their shopping carts if the eShop is not localised to their language. This means that businesses that are not localising their eShops and e-commerce platforms are losing out on a significant number of potential customers who are interested in their products. Localising an eShop can also help businesses build trust with customers as it demonstrates a commitment to meeting their needs and providing a personalised shopping experience.

When it comes to language, it is not just about providing translations of the website content. Localisation involves using the correct dialect, grammar, and cultural references that are appropriate for the local market. This makes it easier for customers to understand the product offering and relate to the brand. Localising payment methods is also crucial as customers may not be familiar with the payment options available in other countries. Offering local payment methods that are widely accepted in the target market can help to increase conversions and reduce cart abandonment rates.

Localising product descriptions is another important aspect of eShop localisation. Businesses need to ensure that the product descriptions are accurate and relevant to the local market. This involves researching the target market’s preferences, understanding the local market’s regulatory requirements, and ensuring that the product offering meets the local market’s needs.

In addition to localising their eShops, businesses should also localise their e-commerce platforms. This involves adapting the platform’s functionality to the local market’s needs. For example, businesses may need to integrate local shipping carriers or provide localised customer support to meet the local market’s expectations.

In conclusion, businesses should localise their eShops and e-commerce platforms if they want to succeed in the global market. Localisation makes it easier for customers to navigate the website, understand the product offering, and complete transactions. It also helps businesses to build trust with customers and demonstrate a commitment to meeting their needs. The report by Stripe emphasises the importance of localisation, highlighting the significant impact it can have on reducing cart abandonment rates. Therefore, businesses should take the necessary steps to localise their eShops and e-commerce platforms to ensure they are meeting the needs of their global customers.